Current Job Postings

Angela Hospice is growing! We currently have the following positions open:

Non-Clinical Positions

To apply for a posted position, or in anticipation of future openings, please complete our online application, or complete our written application form and send two current references of professional experience to:

Angela Hospice
Attn: Human Resources
14100 Newburgh Road
Livonia, MI 48154

FAX: 734.779.6689

Angela Hospice welcomes resumes/applications for both clinical and support positions.

Due to the large volume of applications, resumes, and email inquiries for posted openings, we are not able to return status updates on the receipt of an application, phone, or email inquiries. All applications are being screened, several selected for the interview process, and all will receive a letter addressing their inquiry. Thank you for your interest in Angela Hospice, your cooperation, and your patience.

Student Nurses Answer the Call to Care

There is much to be said about forging your own path in life – even if it comes at the urging of someone else.

Student nurse Amanda Cashmore

Angels in the Night

Lisa Udell has worked in a variety of positions at Angela Hospice since joining the team 17 years ago. Now working nights at the Care Center, Lisa asserted that while the night shift is quieter than some of her previous roles, it doesn’t mean it’s a “snoozing kind of night shift.”