You’re Not Alone

You’re Not Alone

Angela Hospice grief camp for children and teens continues again this summer. For Jasmine Kendrick, Angela Hospice Children’s Grief Care Counselor, a place like Camp Monarch would’ve made all the difference as a young kid after she lost her mother. Now, she’s part of...
Walking Together

Walking Together

One of the Grief Care groups at Angela Hospice is going on the road, well, on the sidewalk. Beginning June 2 – and running every Friday through Sept. 29 – the Walking Together Grief Group will take place on the picturesque grounds at Angela Hospice, bringing together...
A Beautiful Addition

A Beautiful Addition

Angela Hospice was there for Thomas Phimister, providing compassion, comfort, and medical expertise as he spent his final days in the Angela Hospice Care Center. So when Thomas’s son, Ryan, was offered the chance to do something to help Angela Hospice, he was eager to...
Getting to the Next Place

Getting to the Next Place

Sophia* didn’t really have any family, but her church was like family. She had always gone to Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, and when Lindsey Wiggins visited there for the first time, Sophia was the first person to introduce herself. Lindsey is a nurse with Angela...
A Day Well Spent

A Day Well Spent

It starts, as so many things do, with an introduction. Jan Afonso walks into a patient’s room in the Angela Hospice Care Center, and no matter the patient’s state, she tells them her name, and that she’s there to play the harp for them. Afonso has done this weekly as...
Sew On

Sew On

Margot Parr exuded pride while she greeted and then introduced members of the Angela Hospice sewists as they sat together in the Angela Hospice Chapel, going around the room and discussing who they were and how they came to the group. There were Jane and Mike Cuba, a...