We Honor Veterans Achieves Level 4 Status

May 23, 2022

Dana Casadei, Media Relations Specialist

For almost a decade the Angela Hospice We Honor Veterans program has achieved many milestones, all while continuing to demonstrate a commitment to veterans at the end of life. This past March they reached another achievement: Level 4 status.

“I got the email and it said in the subject line, ‘Congratulations.’ I think I screamed, I was so excited,” said Teri Schmitchen, Director of Integrative Therapies and Volunteer Services, and chair of the We Honor Veterans program at Angela Hospice. “I couldn’t be more proud of this team for achieving Level 4.”

While there is a Level 5 – something they would like to achieve in the next year or so – their focus isn’t on leveling up, it’s on embracing veterans and improving their care the best they can, as it has been since the beginning.

Since its inception, the Angela Hospice We Honor Veterans program has served hundreds of veterans from all branches of the military. The program was spearheaded by John Stern and his late wife, Lucy, and Teri said if it hadn’t been for them both, the launch of the program probably would’ve been delayed by several years.

“It’s been a great honor to work with John,” Teri said. “He has such a deep passion…”

During the application process, one question asked why Angela Hospice deserved to become Level 4. Teri said that was her favorite to answer, because to her, Angela Hospice has a culture that just embodies respect for veterans through all they do.

For Teri, the We Honor Veterans program also has a personal meaning. Her father was a very proud veteran who fought in the Korean War, so getting to watch the program grow has been a great honor.

“I have a deep place in my heart for veterans and the respect that they deserve for the sacrifices that they’ve made,” she said.

To learn more about the We Honor Veterans program at Angela Hospice, click here.


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