National Philanthropy Day

Nov 15, 2022

Jennifer L. Dale, Director of Community Outreach and Philanthropy

National Philanthropy Day (NPD) on November 15 celebrates the endless daily contributions individuals and organizations across the world make to countless causes and missions, much like many of you do for Angela Hospice.

In 1986 was when President Ronald Reagan signed the NPD proclamation, making it the first official recognition of the day, which provides an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of giving and all that it has made possible.

At Angela Hospice, philanthropy means so much more than just giving monetary contributions; it’s about the giving spirit, something we see daily out in the community when connecting with all of you, and within the walls of Angela Hospice. And while the official recognized day of philanthropy is in the middle of November, each day is a day we thank, appreciate, and honor our donors, doers, and door openers.

Henry Ford once said, “To do more for the world than the world does for you — that is success,” and that couldn’t ring more true to how we at Angela Hospice feel about the true essence of philanthropy. This is reflected in the mission and values of Angela Hospice, which drive and guide our teams daily. And with the support of our donors, friends, community, and corporations we will continue to provide comprehensive, compassionate, and Christ-like care to adults and children in all the communities we serve for a long time.

So on this honored Day of Philanthropy – THANK YOU for being our friend today and every day.

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