Heavenly Care

Sep 23, 2022

Dana Casadei, Media Relations Specialist

Thinking about the care her parents received, Anne Marie Hurley is pretty convinced their caregivers from Angela Hospice were heaven sent.

“They were just some of the most compassionate people I’ve ever met,” Anne Marie said about the Angela Hospice team. “I wish I could just take them all home.”

Her family’s Angela Hospice journey began with her mom, Maria – who had Parkinson’s and dementia. Maria’s nurse practitioner recommended the family begin looking into hospice, and at first, Anne Marie said she felt like her world was ending. But when she and her dad, Frank, were asked which hospice they were thinking of, they both simultaneously said Angela Hospice, which they had heard wonderful things about over the years and driven past often.

And when her dad began to decline, Anne Marie said that Angela Hospice was always in the back of her mind. She contacted Angela Hospice for him as well before he passed in April 2022.

“Every single person that we came in contact with was so compassionate and so loving, and so kind,” she said. “I thought, maybe somebody went up to heaven and yanked them down to put them back on Earth, so we could have these really great people to help the people who are at the end of their lives.”

Needless to say, Anne Marie would absolutely recommend Angela Hospice to anyone. Having now gone through the hospice process twice, Anne Marie would tell everyone to fully utilize the services that are offered, and one more thing:

“I would say for the type of experience it was, Angela Hospice made it beautiful, because they treat people with dignity, kindness, and compassion,” Anne Marie said.



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