From the Bottom of Our Hearts

May 20, 2020

Lisa Norton, Development & Communications Coordinator

The support of our community friends has meant so much to us during this challenging time. We’ve all been coping with changes and anxieties, but the acts of kindness we’ve been witness to are truly heartening.

We wanted to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU! Doubtless there will be some names omitted here — not for lack of appreciation, but rather due to the flurry of activity as we’ve all worked to adapt to the “new normal.”  But to all who have shown your support for our mission and our team, please know you have truly helped lighten the burden during this difficult time.

To those who have shared kind words, good needs, generous gifts, and comforting prayers, please know how deeply grateful we are for you.

Donated Meals and Snacks for our Staff
  • The Busard Family
  • Cork and Gabel Restaurant – Matt McGrail & Lucas, Joe Mifsud
  • Kimberly Eadeh
  • FLAG (Front Line Appreciation Group)
  • David & Kay Gugala
  • Sister Pat Hergenroether
  • Cathy Myszka
  • Picnic Basket Marketplace – Al Jonna
  • Marion Rozum
  • Supernatural Brewing
  • Synergy Home Care – Cheryl Chuby
  • Traverse Mobile CPR – Angela Robinson & Mr. Mrs. Wear
  • Jean Valkenburgh
  • & Anonymous Donors

The VanValkenburgh family donated dinners from Genitti’s Hole-in-the-Wall for our team members.

Donated Masks and PPE
  • Angela Hospice Volunteers
  • Angels Wear Gowns
  • Don & Kathryn Atkins
  • Patti Avakian
  • Pam Bethune
  • Stacey Brandt
  • Detroit Jesuit High School Robotics – Larry Schulte
  • Dr. Simmons & Morris DDS
  • Sunny Duszynski
  • Howell Gun Club
  • In-Stock Marketing – Larry Stock
  • Kathleen Kimmel
  • Carrie Lim
  • Livonia Warriors First Robotics – James Perrin
  • Linda Mexicottee
  • Kate Molnar
  • Operation Face Shield
  • Brandon Pender
  • Taj Cottage Mask Mission Team
  • Troy Design & Manufacturing Co.
  • Xinli Wang
  • Julie Witkowski
  • Carmen Zatyko

Volunteers from Angels Wear Gowns donated 100 gowns, 50 face shields, 100 surgical masks, and 100 cloth masks.

Donated Hand Sanitizer, Lotions, and Cleaning Supplies
  • Angela Hospice Volunteers
  • Bates Family Farm, LLC
  • Livonia Public Schools
  • Samantha Murphy
  • Ron Wandzel

Livonia Public Schools donated disinfectant wipes and additional cleaning supplies.

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